Etched in Stone


3 Good Things

m normally an extremely positive person. I can, more often than not, find the silver lining and commit to it. However, for my Science of Happiness class, one of my daily homework assignments is called 3 Good Things. I am to write about 3 good things that happened to me today, and why they made me happy. Soooo... I figured I would share them on Facebook everyday, hoping that maybe some of you would also share your happy stories, so that we can spread more positivity. My 3 Good Things today (among many others...) were:
1) Hayabusa and Samius. That doesn't need much explanation. They are two of the most wonderful creatures on the planet. 
2) I got to make and save money today! This is huge for me, my budget was terrible the last couple years. And correcting that is a big deal to me. Financial security and freedom from debts is going to be a huge milestone for me. 
3) I got tons of work done in some amazing classes, for those of you that follow my blog I'm working on my next articles for my Journalism class soon. The reason why these are exciting for me is because, well shit, I'm just excited. My classes are incredible and I'm honing skills I already have to achieve dreams I have always had, but I didn't necessarily see how to achieve. Also self discipline is something that I've wanted to train, so having obstacles to overcome (homework/assignments) is good practice. It helps that I am excited about my classes..... Ohhh, and sunsets...

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